Saturday, September 27, 2008

This is Ellie. My mom picked her up from her family that couldn't take care of her because she had a liver shunt and was very sick. We had to take her to the University of Tennessee and Dr Karen Tobias operated on her and put an ameroid constrictor on her liver shunt to make her better. Liver Shunt is a hereditary defect that lots of little puppy's in lots of breeds are getting now because people aren't being careful. Ellie's mom and dad shouldn't have any more babies cause they are carrying the gene for liver shunt. Most people don't know that they should have a bile acids test done on a puppy before they buy it just to make sure that there is not a liver shunt in their new puppy. Elllie is going to stay with one of my mom's friends Barbara, she likes to take care of liver shunt baby's after they have their operation. Ellie might get to go home from the hospital tomorrow if she is doing good. I loved playing with her when she was here with me. We are friends.

Last Line of Defense

One day, my sister Esperansa and I went to Stephanie Chapman's house to have our picture taken with her. Stephanie and her husband Nathan were giving one of her songs to Yorkie Rescue to help them make money for medical expenses for the rescues that mom and her friends save.
Stephanie liked me best cause I'm small and cute and sort of a tomboy. If you notice even though mom fixed my hair perfectly that day for these pictures I managed to squiggle my bow off to the side before this picture was taken. This was the one Stephanie liked best Oh, so that made me a cover girl. Esperansa's picture is on the back. You wouldn't believe what Stephanie and Nathan did...they gave Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue 1000 CD's of her song "The Last Line of Defense" to sell in the Yorkie Angel Boutique.